Ashramshala Hanmatmal Vidyasahayak Bharti 2023 : Ashramshala Hanmatmal (Ashramshala) has released the latest notification for the recruitment of Vidyasahayak on the official website of Ashramshala Hanmatmal.
Eligible candidates can apply for Ashramshala Hanmatmal Vidyasahayak Bharti 2023 from Ashramshala Hanmatmal (Ashramshala).
Eligible candidates can apply within 14 days of advertisement.
Published (Date of Publication: 25-02-2023).
All details related to Ashramshala Hanmatmal (Monastery) Vacancy 2023 are below.
Hanamatmal Ashramshala Recruitment 2023
Ashramshala Vidyasahayak Recruitment 2023: Ashramshala Hanmatmal (Ashramshala) – Ashramshala has published advertisement for Vidyasahayak (Assistants) (Ashramshala) Vidyasahayak Recruitment 2023.
Eligible candidates and ashramshalas are advised to apply officially for this advertisement.
Recruitment 2023. You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply for recruitment 2023 Ashramshala or Ashramshala Vidyasahayak (Vidyasahayak Recruitment) below.
Hanamatmal Ashramshala Recruitment 2023 – Highlights
Name of Institution : Hanamatmal Ashram Shala (Ashram Shala)
Post : Vidhyasahayak
Total Vacancies : 01
Job Location : Gujarat
Last Date to Apply : Within 14 days from the Advt. Published (Advt. Date: 25-02-2023)
Application Mode : Offline
Educational Qualification
- B.A
- B.Ed
Age limit
- As per rules
Salary scale
19,950 per month
Selection process
The selection process for Ashramshala Hanmatmal Vidyasahayak Bharti 2023 includes the following stages:
Personal Interview (PI)
How to apply?
- Follow these steps to apply for Ashramshala Hanmatmal Vidyasahayak Bharti 2023
- Check Eligibility from Ashramshala Hanmatmal Vidyasahayak Notification 2023
- Fill the application form
- Eligible candidates can send their application and required documents to the address given in the advertisement.
- Take a print out of the application form
Important date
Within 14 days of publication of advertisement.
(Date of Advertisement: 25-02-2023)
Important links
Official Announcement Click Here
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