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10 December 2022

Caution: These 5 things should never be eaten before and after drinking milk, otherwise bad condition will occur

Caution: These 5 things should never be eaten before and after drinking milk, otherwise bad condition will occur

We consider milk as a very nutritious food, milk contains protein and it is said that drinking milk also increases energy. Most of the people drink milk while sleeping at night. But do you know that according to science there are some things that can cause serious diseases in the body before or after drinking milk.

So today let us tell you what are the things that should never be eaten before and after milk.

Sour cheese

We use some sour things to make curd from milk, but if you drink milk immediately before or after eating something sour, you are likely to vomit. If you must drink milk, you can comfortably drink milk 2 hours after eating anything sour.

Never eat dal after drinking milk

In most households in India, p
repared at night and if we have to drink milk at night, we should always drink milk two hours after eating pulses. This is because if you drink milk after eating dal, you may experience indigestion, stomach pain, vomiting, heaviness in the body and sometimes heart related problems.

Never drink milk after eating fish

This is a warning to those who eat meat. Although fish contains protein that promotes good face and hair health, consuming milk or anything made from milk after eating fish can lead to body poisoning, stomach ache and white spots.

Milk should never be consumed after eating curd and okra.

Never consume milk before or after eating curd and okra. Due to which dark spots start appearing on the face and gradually the whole face starts looking bad. So never consume these 5 foods with milk to stay healthy.

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