ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL DHRANGADHRA (Private Unaided School) Affiliated to CBSE-(430031)
1. Army Public School, Dhrangadhra requires the following staff on Adhoc vacancies for the Session 2025-26
Minimum Qualification
01 x TGT (Maths), 01 x TGT (S. St.) & 01 x TGT (Eng)
Post Graduate/ Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks
6 x PRT Adhoc
Post Graduate/ Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks & Bridge Course/DL.Ed
01 x Computer teacher (Adhoc)
Graduate with PGDCA/BCA Minimum 50% Marks.
01 x Lib (Adhoc)
Graduate with MLIB-Lib & Info Minimum 50% Marks.
01 x Dance (Adhoc)
Post Graduate/ Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks
01 x SUPW (Adhoc)
Post Graduate/Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks
01 x PTE (Adhoc)
Post Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks
01 x Computer Opretar (Contractual)
Graduate with PGDCA/BCA Minimum 50% Marks.
1 x Art Teacher (Adhoc)
Diploma In Fine Arts with Minimum 50% Marks is mandatory.
01 x Counselor (Adhoc)
Qualification according to the CBSE Norms.
05x PPRT Teachers (Adhoc)
01 x Head Clerk (Contractual)
Post Graduate/Graduate with B. Ed/ and (10+2) NTT 50% Marks
Ex-serviceman, preferable with good Computer Knowledge and experience in 15 yrs office work with BA/B.Com.
01 x LDC Clerk (Contractual)
BA/B.Com and good Computer Knowledge and experience of 12 yrs office work.
02x Yoga teacher (Part time)
Diploma in Yoga (education)
01 x Special Educator
B.Ed with Special Education
01x Nursing Assistant
Qualification according to the CBSE norms.
2 Fluency in English and Computers essential for all.
3. Prescribed application forms and details of qualification will be available from school office between 09:00 am to 01:00pm or online at Application be submitted with DD of Rs100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) before 15 Feb 2025.
4. The selection would be done by the norms of AWES and the decision of School Committee would be final.
Interview: Interview date for candidates will be intimated through telephonically and by email.
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1. Army Public School, Dhrangadhra requires the following staff on Adhoc vacancies for the Session 2025-26
Minimum Qualification
01 x TGT (Maths), 01 x TGT (S. St.) & 01 x TGT (Eng)
Post Graduate/ Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks
6 x PRT Adhoc
Post Graduate/ Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks & Bridge Course/DL.Ed
01 x Computer teacher (Adhoc)
Graduate with PGDCA/BCA Minimum 50% Marks.
01 x Lib (Adhoc)
Graduate with MLIB-Lib & Info Minimum 50% Marks.
01 x Dance (Adhoc)
Post Graduate/ Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks
01 x SUPW (Adhoc)
Post Graduate/Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks
01 x PTE (Adhoc)
Post Graduate with B. Ed and 50% Marks
01 x Computer Opretar (Contractual)
Graduate with PGDCA/BCA Minimum 50% Marks.
1 x Art Teacher (Adhoc)
Diploma In Fine Arts with Minimum 50% Marks is mandatory.
01 x Counselor (Adhoc)
Qualification according to the CBSE Norms.
05x PPRT Teachers (Adhoc)
01 x Head Clerk (Contractual)
Post Graduate/Graduate with B. Ed/ and (10+2) NTT 50% Marks
Ex-serviceman, preferable with good Computer Knowledge and experience in 15 yrs office work with BA/B.Com.
01 x LDC Clerk (Contractual)
BA/B.Com and good Computer Knowledge and experience of 12 yrs office work.
02x Yoga teacher (Part time)
Diploma in Yoga (education)
01 x Special Educator
B.Ed with Special Education
01x Nursing Assistant
Qualification according to the CBSE norms.
2 Fluency in English and Computers essential for all.
3. Prescribed application forms and details of qualification will be available from school office between 09:00 am to 01:00pm or online at Application be submitted with DD of Rs100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) before 15 Feb 2025.
4. The selection would be done by the norms of AWES and the decision of School Committee would be final.
Interview: Interview date for candidates will be intimated through telephonically and by email.
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