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30 April 2017

How to use your pendrive as a RAM

How to use your pendrive as a RAM

Image result for pendrive as ramHow To Use Your PanDrive Like RAM - How To Use Pen Drive As RAM

Because your computer's RAM is very low, you have a speed slow of your computer and you are thinking of getting RAM for a long time, but it's not time to get it, no matter from a very trick, you can also get your pendrive You can use, and increase the speed of the computer, for that you have to follow some stages -

Put your pendrive into your computer's USB port, it would be nice to have at least 2 GB.

Right click on the My Computer icon.
Now click on Properties from the open context menu.
There will be a window open after clicking Properties, (after this step in windows 7 and 8 you should click on Properties and then click Advanced System Settings, do not do this in windows xp)

Click on the Advanced tab in this window. Now click on the Settings of Performance button.

The Performance Option window will open, click on the Advanced tab in this window.

Then click on the Change button button inside the virtual memory.

Automatically tick the manag paging file size for all drives if it looks.
Now select your pendrive from the list given.
Now click on custom size and give value, this value can be equal to the empty space of your pendrive.
Now click on the Set button.
Now after that you restart your computer, but do not take out pendrive.
When computer is restarted then your computer speed will be increased, and your pendrive will be working like your RAM.

Notice- This is the way we have taken it through the internet; If your computer or pen drive is a helpless then it will be your own responsibility.

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