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17 June 2023

Get rid of any headache in just 10 minutes. That too with home remedies.

Get rid of any headache in just 10 minutes. That too with home remedies.

Friends, if you want to live a good and healthy life, you need to be healthy.

For that you should keep the heart and other parts of the body healthy.

If you are suffering from stomach ailment, constipation, headache etc. then you should reduce the use of mobile etc.

Do not overexpose.

Headache is always caused by lack of blood reaching the brain, if too much pills are used, it affects the liver and kidney due to which bad effects are seen in the long run, so friends, today we will know the remedies to get rid of headache.

Home Remedies for Headache:-

When a headache occurs, doing anuloma-viloma helps blood to reach the brain and the heart beat comes under control due to which the headache is relieved.

Pranayama for 10 minutes relieves headache and also relieves constipation and acidity.

Ajama is available in everyone's house, after heating it in a pot and inhaling it, headache is relieved.

Making a paste of cinnamon powder in water and applying it on the forehead relieves headache.

Applying pure ghee whenever there is excessive pain relieves the pain immediately.

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Massage of almond oil for 10 minutes provides relief followed by rubbing sandalwood in water to relieve headaches.

As this lap is very cold, it relieves headache.

Drinking ghee mixed with milk relieves headache.

Amla powder mixed with sugar and ghee is beneficial in headache and provides relief.

Drinking a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of water cures headache.

Rubbing ginger in cold milk and instilling its drops in the nose cures headache.

Taking half a spoonful of lemon juice and half a spoonful of basil juice and drinking it also cures headache.

Crushed Tulsi leaves and Agarbatti and applied on the scalp relieves headache.

Rubbing clove oil relieves headaches.

1 comment:

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