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16 March 2022

how to know vehicle owner details by registration number

How to know vehicle owner  details by    registration number   


1 . Find Vehicle Owner details with Registration Number on Digit Website


Find Vehicle Details using registration number  Digit Website

Now you can also check the detail of a vehicle on our website as well!

Follow the step given below to find the vehicular detail by using the vehicle's registration number:

Type in the vehicle registration number in  given space

Give your mobile phone number, and

You will receive a 4-digit , which you must enter into the space provided

Click “Get Details” and you’re through!

You can continue and renew vehicle insurance as well.

So, if you ever need to know the detail of a vehicle owned by someone other than yourself, all you need is that vehicle’s registration number and a working phone, and unlike the process, you don’t even have to send an SMS

With this you can check out the detail of and car, auto rickshaw, or any other category motor vehicle.

2 . How to Find Vehicle Owner details with Registration Number on VAHAN Website?



Find Vehicle Detail using registration number on  Website

Now, without further  and haw, let us get down  business. 

Visit the official website of and follow the process mentioned below to find vehicle registration details online:

Click on “Know your vehicle detail” from the menu .

In the next page  furnish the registration number of your vehicle,  the verification code as shown there, and click on “Search Vehicle”. 

And you are done! But what are the detail you can find there? You can see all the detail related to your motor vehicle as registered with your RTO.

  designed to collate and produce vehicular information in accordance with individual  all the Indian states and Union Territories. These detail are also  with the Motor Vehicles Act 1988.

You can find the following details in the website upon entering your vehicle’s registration number:

Registration date

Chassis number (not mentioned in full)

Engine number (not mentioned in full)

Owner’s name

Vehicle class

Fuel type

Model and manufacturer details

Vehicular fitness duration

PUC or Pollution Under Control Certificate number

Motor Vehicle (MV) Tax validity

Details of motor vehicle insurance

Emission standard  the vehicle (Bharat Stage emission norms)

Registration Certificate Status

Name of the financier 

3. Find Vehicle Registration Details with an SMS 

Did you know you could also learn the detail of a vehicle with a simple SMS?

Follow the step mentioned below to find vehicular details by using a vehicle's registration number:

Type VAHAN  vehicle’s registration number

Send it to 7738299899

So, the next time you need to know the detail of a vehicle owner other than yourself, you simply need their vehicle’s registration number  be the next Sherlock Holmes.

4.  What are the Scenarios where you need this Facility?

Did you ever get stopped by traffic police only to find that you are not carrying your vehicle’s document on your person and pay a heavy fine for it? 

You can put these worries in the past!

In a recent update, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway announced that individuals do not need to carry around the hardcopy of their vehicular document. They can alternatively digitally save  in . As per such mandate, detail saved in DigiLocker shall be recognised as legitimate, pan-India. However, there might be circumstances from hereon, when the traffic enforcement authoritie will verify these details with  to prove their legitimacy. 

Remember NOC?  Which you will need to acquire for your vehicle when you move to another state territory for over a year? 

With the popularisation of , you do not need to carry a No Objection Certificate for your motor vehicle, as RTOs across India can access centralised data of your vehicular details. 

These are two out of the multiple way you can utilise this facility of knowing a vehicle’s details through its registration number. 



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