Find out why brain is harmful to the body

Brains are found in everyone's kitchen. It is very harmful to health. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Eating it harms the body immediately. There is a lot of damage after consuming it for a long time. Today we will tell you about the harms of consuming sheep.
If flour is beneficial then why is it harmful?
Both almonds and flour are made from wheat. The way it is made is quite different. When making flour, the golden layer on top of the wheat is allowed to remain in the flour. It is the best source of dietary fiber. The flour is ground a little less. So that the nutrients in the wheat are not further destroyed, however, the white part of the wheat is taken to the PC by removing the top layer of the wheat before making the raisins. This destroys the nutrients in the ground.
Chemical bleach comes from whitening in sheep
Wheat is bleached with chemicals after taking PC to give the lamb more whiteness and shine. Bleaching is done with oxide, chlorine dioxide on calcium to prepare the ground. These chemicals have a bad effect on health.
Bad for the stomach
The nuts are very sticky and smooth. It has difficulty in digestion due to lack of dietary fiber. Due to which it gets stuck in the intestines and becomes a danger for many diseases. Consuming it causes constipation.
Increases cholesterol and obesity
Obesity is increased due to high starch content in sheep. Excessive intake of it increases cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.
Consumption of mutton weakens the immune system and increases the risk of disease. To stay healthy, you should consume very little lamb.

અહીંથી વાચોગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ
Diabetes risk:
Harmful to the intestines:

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