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10 April 2021

While the father had to wear a PPE kit to treat Masoom Child in Covid ward

While the father had to wear a PPE kit to treat Masoom Child in Covid ward

Ahmedabad / Vadodara: The second wave of Corona is causing an uproar all over the world. In the early stages of the deadly virus, it was thought that children could not be harmed by the virus because their immune systems were strong. However Corona's second strain has now proved fatal for children as well. In many districts of the state, cases of corona infection are also coming up against children. Which has increased the anxiety of parents.

Recently, a picture of the pediatric department of the SSG Hospital in Vadodara went viral. In which Corona is living with an infected child while her father is wearing a PPE kit. So that they can take care of the baby themselves.

Every day, children are being admitted to state hospitals due to coronary heart disease. At present, 12 children are undergoing treatment for corona at the Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad. Out of which two children have been kept on oxygen as their condition is critical. All the patients are currently undergoing treatment under the supervision of pediatricians. Apart from this, there have been one or two incidents of death due to corona.

Rakesh Joshi, assistant superintendent of the civil hospital, says the virus affects children more than ever before. Although most of the infected children have a general fever, this time there are some children who need oxygen. Which is a matter of concern.


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Consult a doctor if the child has diarrhea-vomiting or cries more due to weakness

Corona's new strain is the main symptom of diarrhea-vomiting in young children. Apart from this, if the child cries continuously due to disability, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Parents should take it seriously even when the child seems to have a common cold-cough effect. Most children feel the transition comes from the family. Therefore, if a family member comes from outside, it is more advisable to touch the child only after he has recovered properly. In addition, parents should take special care before sending their children out to play.

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